Old House Problems + How to Learn to Solve Them
It’s our first full winter in the Big Red House, and we’ve noticed that during rainy San Francisco days, our house is COLD. Here’s a look into our old house problems. And how to learn to solve them.
Why I Go For Granny Houses
My ideal home is one that someone’s grandmother has lived in for the past 50 years and has done minimal updates.
Don't Pressure Wash that Beauty!
Pressure washing seems like a pretty normal maintenance item for homeownership, right? My dad definitely pressure washed things around the house as a kid, and I often see it when taking walks around neighborhoods on the weekends.
The Difference Between Preservation, Restoration, and Renovation
As someone who lives in a world where all three happen pretty regularly, I wanted to set the record straight on what term means what, so that you can gain a clear understanding about which camp you're in.